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Point Park University
PITTSBURGH, PA · 2021& 2023

Point Park University is our first university-level Matt’s Maker Space, and we are so impressed with this amazing group of educators! In fact, they are so committed to maker education that Matt's Maker Space has 2 spaces on their campus! Matt's Maker Space has high tech equipment and teachers more of the math and science level courses while Matt's Maker Space Too houses the more low-tech equipment and courses such as the reading methods course are taught here. 


The space serves pre-service teachers to help them build knowledge and skills in teaching maker learning and STREAM education (science, technology, reading, education, arts, and mathematics). Students prepare for working with children by creating their own projects and lessons using the space.

In their Reading Methods courses, for example, students prepared lessons on poetry and expository text, and then created response activities using the tools in the makerspace. This idea is similar to the lessons taught in many of the elementary level maker spaces.


The two Matt's Maker Spaces provide education students with an interdisciplinary experience in maker education, and as STEAM education rises in K12 education, Point Park is preparing their students to take on new ways of teaching. 


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